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Clubs and Activities

Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and Organizations

Students may be offered an opportunity to participate in clubs and organizations which meet during lunch or before or after school:

  • Future Astrophysicists of America
  • Beta
  • Robotics
  • Student Council (only elected students)

 Students may be offered an opportunity to participate in organizations which are volunteer, chosen by tryouts or class selection:

  • Altar Servers
  • Liturgical Dancers
  • Lectors
  • Cantors
  • Quiz Bowl

Extra-Curricular Activities

St. George Catholic School provides extracurricular opportunities for development of school spirit and a students’ sense of community and belonging.  While participation in extra-curricular activities is encouraged, schoolwork and good behavior are considered the first priority. Parents should guide their children in choosing extra-curricular activities while considering family time and the individual needs of the student.

Students who are absent for all or part of a school day due to illness may not participate in extra-curricular activities occurring that day.  Students who are absent for all or part of the school day for any other reason may not participate in extra-curricular activities occurring on that day, without administrative approval.

Students should be prepared for their extracurricular activity by bringing with them all needed sports equipment, band instruments, or club materials.