Tuition and Fees
Tuition rates and fees for St. George Catholic School are established annually by the administration in consultation with the School and Parish Finance Committees with the approval of the Pastor. St. George Catholic School has three tuition rates: IFS (Identified Financial Steward), NIFS (Non-Identified Financial Steward) and non-Catholic.
- The IFS tuition rate is for registered parishioners who are identified as financial stewards and active parishioners of St. George Parish. Identified Financial Steward is defined as a family that makes a minimum donation to St. George Church (offertory collection) of $75 per quarter, totaling no less than $300 per year. A donation to St. George School is not considered for IFS status.
- The NIFS tuition rate applies to all other Catholic families who are not identified as financial stewards as deemed by St. George Parish and/or who are members of other parishes.
- The non-Catholic tuition rate applies to families with students who are not baptized in the Catholic faith.
School fees, in addition to tuition, include a registration fee, a student fee, which covers a portion of the cost of books, other school curriculum related expenses and Home and School Association dues, and a technology fee. A per family building fee is assessed annually to cover current and future capital improvement projects. Eighth grade students are assessed an additional fee to cover the cost of special activities.
A student’s registration is not considered complete until their registration fee is paid. Registration fees are non-refundable. Students with delinquent tuition may not re-register for the following school year until all financial obligations are fulfilled.
There are two options for payment of tuition through the FACTS Family Portal:
- Pre-payment of tuition in its entirety in May
- Tuition payment plan options: monthly, quarterly and semi-annual payment
Late or non-payment of tuition and/or fees: A penalty charge will be added to unpaid accounts once the account becomes delinquent.
Tuition Assistance Opportunities
St. George Church provides limited funds to offer tuition assistance for parish families who are experiencing financial difficulties. This assistance is available to families registered in St. George Parish, who have demonstrated a desire for Catholic education at St. George Catholic School for their children and who, because of extraordinary circumstances, can demonstrate a need for tuition assistance.
Applications for Tuition Assistance will be available in February.
Assistance is given for one school year. A new application must be submitted each year.
Click HERE to apply for Tuition Assistance.