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Mission and Goals

The mission and goals of the St. George Catholic School Library are in accordance with the standards and guidelines set forth in Standards and Guidelines for Library Media Programs in Louisiana Schools. The Library is committed to enriching and supporting the educational objectives of the school curriculum. This goal is accomplished by selecting, organizing, maintaining, and providing access to materials that serve the informational needs of its students, teachers and staff, and represent the school’s Catholic Christian philosophy and values.


PreK through 3rd grade students receive weekly instruction in information literacy skills and are introduced to various types of literature. The 4th and 5th grade students receive these classes in the library on alternate weeks. Students in the 6th through 8th grade are on a flexible library schedule. They use the library independently or as a class when scheduled by a teacher or librarian.

The library is open every morning from 7:20 to 7:45am and during recess time. During this time students may exchange books, take AR quizzes, or work on projects.

Library Policies and Procedures

  • Students in grades PreK-3 check out 1 book. Students in grades 4-8 may check out 2 books. Books are checked out for 1 week, but can be renewed if needed.
  • There are currently no fines for overdue books, but fines will be incurred if materials are damaged. The replacement cost will be charged for all materials not returned to the library or damaged in such a way as to be unusable.
  • Reference materials may not be checked out, but are available for use in the library.
  • Materials may be reserved for students by the librarian.
  • Library computers may be used to access the library catalog, take an AR quiz, do research on the Internet, or type a paper. Use of the computers for any other purpose requires the permission of the librarian.
  • Students may save their work on a flash drive.

Library Rules

  1. Be considerate of others who may also need to use library computers or books.
  2. Quiet voices are welcome as other students may be taking quizzes, reading or studying.
  3. Food, gum and drinks are NOT allowed in the library.
  4. Library materials are precious resources, please use them carefully.