1. Please complete the below form to report student's absence OR
2. Upload all doctor's notes (return to school after illness or injury) HERE.
3. E-mail ALL classroom teachers to request homework. Please find the Faculty Directory in the FACTS Parent Portal. District Code: SGCS-LA App: School -> Directory -> School Online Parent Portal: School -> Directory -> Staff Please note:
* This contact should take place before 8:30am.* Absences due to illness and emergencies will be considered excused once a parent has submitted an absence form and doctor excuse, when applicable, on the website. * Notifications received more than 3 days after an absence will not be accepted. Absences due to vacation and non-school related activities will not be excused. * Students who are absent for all or part of a school day, due to illness, may not participate in extracurricular activities occurring on that day without the approval of the administration. * Students who have an unexcused absence may not participate in extracurricular activities occurring on that day. * A student who is absent for three consecutive days due to illness must submit a doctor’s note after the third absence and prior to returning to school.