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Welcome to IXL!

IXL is here to help you grow with immersive learning, insights into progress, and targeted recommendations for next steps. Practice thousands of math, language arts, science, and social studies skills at school, at home, and on the go! 
Remember to bookmark this page so you can easily return. 
To get started: 

1. Sign in with your username and password on this page. Please ask your teacher if you don't know this information.  
2. Take the Diagnostic and visit the Recommendations page for skills that are picked just for you! Start with the lowest skill strand. Or, explore skills by grade or topic.  
3. Choose a skill and let the learning begin!

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Two of our own St. George Middle School teachers, Mrs. Wendy Bridevaux & Mrs. Alaina Reed, are IXL Ambassadors and have participated in a case study for IXL. They attended several meetings with IXL and were interviewed about their students' growth in both math and English IXL skills. Please read the case study here. Great job, 6th grade!

IXL Math Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • IXL is part of our school-wide effort to strengthen skill-building and fluency.
  • Students will be assigned specific IXL modules that will correlate to class instruction. Duplicating mastered skills is not allowed, and no points will be given for time spent on random modules.
  • Parents and students can review IXL minutes at any time by accessing the Reports section.

1st Grade

  • IXL Math is 1 point per assignment.
  • Mastery is a Smart Score of 100 to earn full credit.

2nd - 5th Grade

  • IXL Math is a 5-point weekly grade.
  • Mastery is a Smart Score of 80-100 to earn full credit.
  • All IXL Math is due on Sunday at midnight.

6th - 8th Grade Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies

  • Students will be assigned specific IXL modules that will correlate to class instruction. Point values vary by skill, subject, and teacher.
  •  Students will receive no points for doing unassigned modules or acheiving less than the Smart Score assigned by the teacher (The Smart Score needed varies).
  • In Math and ELA, students will be required to work on their Recommended Skills based on the Diagnostic. Students will be required to complete these recommended skills in class.  A grade may be issued determined by active minutes.
  • IXL assignments will not be allowed to be made up.


IXL Reading Intervention Grades 1-3

Click below for more information.