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Contact Us

Contact St. George Catholic School
  • Please complete the below information and Administration will respond as soon as possible.

Driving Directions:

Our spacious, tree-filled campus is located by Siegen Lane and the Interstate.  When coming from the East on Interstate 10, take the Siegen Lane exit and turn left at the light. Go to the far right. Take the Mall Street exit and take the first right turn. Take the first left turn onto our campus. The School Administration Building is our welcoming point to the school. 

When coming from the West on Interstate 10, take the Siegen Lane exit and veer to the right. Stay to the right and take the Mall Street exit. Take the first right turn then the next left turn onto the campus. The School Administration Building is the welcoming point to our school.


St. George School
7880 St. George Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

School Office - K-8 
225-293-1298 Phone
225-293-4886 Fax
(225) 293-1229 Cafeteria 

Pre-K Office
225-293-9822 Phone
225-293-7432 Fax

School Hours

Before Care:
6:45 am - 7:15 am

Morning Arrival:
7:20 am - 7:43 am

School day:
7:45 am - 2:45 pm

2:48 pm - 3:10 pm

After Care pick-up:
3:20 pm - 5:30 pm 
(or 6:00 pm 
based on plan)